Python For Beginners

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  • Gwarko Chowk, Bafa Tole, Lalitpur
  • 01-5200406

Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace.

Course Structure

1: Introduction To Python

                Installation and Working with Python

                Understanding Python variables

                Python basic Operators

                Understanding python blocks

2: Python Data Types

                Declaring and using Numeric data types: int, float, complex

                Using string data type and string operations

                Defining list and list slicing

                Use of Tuple data type

3: Python Program Flow Control

                Conditional blocks using if, else and elif

                Simple for loops in python

                For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries

                Use of while loops in python

                Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else

                Programming using Python conditional and loops block

4: Python Functions, Modules And Packages

                Organizing python codes using functions

                Organizing python projects into modules Importing own module as well as external modules

                Understanding Packages

                Powerful Lamda function in python

                Programming using functions, modules and external packages

5: Python String, List And Dictionary Manipulations

                Building blocks of python programs

                Understanding string in build methods

                List manipulation using in build methods

                Dictionary manipulation

                Programming using string, list and dictionary in build functions

6: Python File Operation

                Reading config files in python Writing log files in python

                Understanding read functions, read(), readline() and readlines()

                Understanding write functions, write() and writelines()

                Manipulating file pointer using seek

                Programming using file operations

7: Python Object Oriented Programming – Oops

                Concept of class, object and instances

                Constructor, class attributes and destructors

                Real time use of class in live projects Inheritance , overlapping and overloading operators

                Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes Programming using Oops support

8: Python Regular Expression

                Powerful pattern matching and searching Power of pattern searching using regex in python

                Real time parsing of networking or system data using regex

                Password, email, url validation using regular expression

                Pattern finding programs using regular expression

9: Python Exception Handling

                Avoiding code break using exception handling

                Safe guarding file operation using exception handling

                Handling and helping developer with error code

                Programming using Exception handling

10: Python Database Interaction

                SQL Database connection using python

                Creating and searching tables

                Reading and storing config information on database

                Programming using database connections

11: Python Multithreading

                Understanding threads

                Forking threads

                Synchronizing the threads

                Programming using multithreading

12: Contacting User Through Emails Using Python

                Installing smtp python module

                Sending email

                Reading from file and sending emails to all users addressing them directly for marketing

13: Python CGI Introduction

                Writing python program for CGI applications

                Creating menus and accessing files

                Server client program