According to Official Django Site (
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.
Features of Django
1. Ridiculously fast
2. Fully loaded
3. Reassuringly secure
4. Exceedingly scalable
So Django is one of the most popular web development framework being used in Software/Website Development. We have an exclusive course for those who want to make their career in Real World Web Application Development.
Total Course Duration: 2 Months (2 Hours a day) Level: Advance
1. Basic Knowledge of Frontend Technology like html, css, js, bootstrap and jquery
2. Basic Knowledge of Python Programming Language (Object Oriented)
Course Objective:
After successfully completion of the course, you will be able to make website and web application and get job/internship as a web developer in Software/IT Company or you can work as a Freelancer.
Deserving trainee may be provided with internship opportunity.
Course Structure
Initial/ Orientation:
a) Introduction To Web Technology
b) Request and Response
c) Front-end, Back-end Technology and Fullstack Development
d) MVC Architecture
d) Concept of Cloud Computing
Q & A session
Chapter 1: Introduction
a) Introduction to Django Framework
b) Virtual Environment and installing Requirements
c) Creating Project in Django
d) Running Development Server
e) Admin Panel and User/Group Management
Q & A session
Chapter 2: Basic Django Project Setup
a) Database in Django and Django ORM
b) Basics of file
c) Creating model class
d) Creating Database Table Relations
i. One to One Relation
ii. Many to One Relation
iii. Many to Many Relation
e) Registering Model in Admin Panel
f) Slug Field and Unique slug generator
g) MySQL and POSTGRESQL Integration
Q & A session
Chapter 4: Database Queryset API
a) Data Listing API
b) Single Data API
c) Data Creating API
d) Data Updating API
e) Filtering Data
f) Built-in Template tags and filters
g) Custom tags and filters
Q & A session
Chapter 5: Class Based Generic Views/CRUD Functionaly
a) View class and get() and post() method
b) Template View
c) ListView class
d) DetailView class
e) CreateView class
f) UpdateView class
g) FormView class
Q & A session
Chapter 6: Django Powered Form
a) Django Normal Form class
b) Types of Form fields and widgets
c) Django ModelForm and Meta Class
d) Customizing Django Form Field widgets
e) Form validations
f) Working with Django Formset
Q & A session
Chapter 7: Some Common Inbuilt Methods in Generic View Class
a) distatch() method
b) get() method
c) post() method
d) get_context_data() method
e) form_valid() method
f) get_success_url() method
g) Making Mixins
Q & A session
Chapter 8: Authentication
a) User Login
b) User Registration
c) User and Group Management
d) Permission Management
e) LoginRequiredMixins
Q & A session
Chapter 9: AJAX
a) Introduction to AJAX
b) Ajax Request
c) Ajax Response
Q & A session
Chapter 10: Version Control System
a) Introduction to GIT
b) Creating Account in GIT
c) Creating Repository
d) Cloning Repository
e) Committing changes
f) Push and Pull operation in GIT
g) Team work in GIT
Q & A session
Chapter 11: Django Middleware, Cache, Session and Cookies
a) Introduction to Middleware, session and cookies
b) Making Custom middleware in Django
c) Using session and Cookies in Django
d) Using Django Cache Framework
Chapter 12: Django Rest Framework
a) Introduction to web API and JSON
b) Introduction to django_restframework
c) Working with Serializers
d) Integration with another application
Q & A session
Chapter 12: Deployment
a) Introduction to Cloud Computing
b) Concept of Domain Name
c) Examples of Cloud Computing Service Providers
d) SSH Key and Server communication
e) gunicorn service file and nginx server configuration
f) Successfully deploying Django Project Live
Q & A session
Project1 : Website Project
>> Developing a full functional, dynamic business website
Project 2: Web Application Project
>> Developing a system that manages regular data and
activities of business
Sites Using Django
1. Disqus 2. Instagram 3. Knight Foundation
4. MacArthur Foundation 5. Mozilla 6. National Geographic
7. Open Knowledge Foundation 8. Pinterest 9. Open Stack